More of the same...
RUSSELL 16NOV22: I love you, you're perfect, now change! - Tessa has been performing in an amusing dinner theatre show called Oh Canada, eh? for more than a year... but this entry is not about that. She took a week off from that show to perform on violin in a community theatre presentation of I love you, you're perfect, now change! We went to see
the show and enjoyed it immensely, a fabulous effort by local (mostly Russell) thespians, bravo, well done! |
OTTAWA 24JUN13: Ella is back... from the dead! - Ella is performing as a domesticated zombie (one of the Zombie Horde) in a local theatrical production called Die, Zombie Die!, being staged as part of the Ottawa Fringe Festival. It is a clever little play with snappy dialogue and hilarious one-liners. |
OTTAWA 24SEP12: Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Edinburgh... - Looking for eine kleine nachtmusik for your next wine & cheese, wedding or wake? |
OTTAWA 14SEP12: A-hahahahahahah... wipeout! - Riding my bike home from work last night... was racing through a red light, slightly distracted by another cyclist trying to cut me off from the left... at the last moment, saw a group of pre-schoolers accompanying a lady with a baby stroller about to step out into the crosswalk ahead of me... slammed
on my brakes! |
OTTAWA 06MAR12: Concert at Canada's National Arts Centre - From the time the girls were first sawing away at their fiddles, it has been our dream for them to perform in the Ottawa Youth Orchestra. Over the years, they had been steadily working their way up through the various ensemble groups, cutting their musical teeth gaining valuable experience
and making very good progress, but suddenly that blueprint for success stopped short when we went off touring with Cirque du Soleil. |
AUSTIN 03MAR12: Lauree's Celebrity Encounter - "I'll be giving some guy named Robert Rodriguez a backstage tour on Sunday. Ever hear of him?" she says. |
OTTAWA 31MAR11: Lauree's laugh of the day: "They call me Sniff!"
- in a Skype chat with Lauree, Tessa wrote: |
NASHVILLE 15FEB11: Through Lauree's eyes - Not too much to do on the little time off... the Grand Ole Opry moved from its original location at the Ryman Auditoium in 1974, and is now housed at Opry Mills Mall. Lauree did attend a Nashville Predators NHL game to cheer for the visiting team, the Vancouver Canucks - GO CANUCKS! |
OTTAWA 30JAN11: Ottawa Winter tradition - Went skating on the canal today, just a block from our home. We were a bit rusty when it came to skating... we only made it from Dow's Lake to the Canal Ritz and back... we'll do the full length next time. |
OTTAWA 18JAN11: Real life... - We woke up chilled to the bone this morning, it was only 6 degrees Celcius inside on the main level of our home. |
CHICOUTIMI 16JAN11: In the wilds of Quebec - it could have been worse here, much colder or with a lot more snow, but it is still a bit of a let-down, considering all of the exotic places we have landed in during our travels. Chicoutimi is just too familiar... hardly the locale we would have chosen for our adventure to end. |
QUEBEC CITY 08JAN10: La semaine est allee plus vite - We cannot believe how quickly the week went - Ella did a couple of shows, we visited the Plains of Abraham, had a great breakfast at Le Cochon Dingue in vieux ville... and that was it! |
OTTAWA 01JAN11: Another new year - Spent New Year's Eve quietly with a few friends in the new kitchen of our new home. Then. back to Montreal and on the bus to Quebec City. |
MONTREAL 26DEC10: Christmas in Montreal - The Christmas spirit fell upon us after the Thursday night show; the Bell Centre put on a spread for us, fantastic food, a pasta station, a roast meat station, a dessert table, seafood, open bar... a spread of a kind, I am sure, the Montreal Canadians hockey team has become accustomed to! |
MONTREAL 23DEC10: Canadian History - After several years of travelling with the circus, experiencing other cultures, learning about the history of other places, I had the urge to indulge in some history of my own country, some good old Canadiana. So off I went to La Baie (aka The Bay) on St Catherine Street, to purchase a traditional wool Hudson's
Bay blanket for the back seat of our vehicle (to take Winter's edge off). |
MONTREAL 23DEC10: Montreal all week long - The week leading to Christmas here in Montreal has been wonderfully hectic, starting with the Saturday night opening, then the Monday night "premiere"; then regular shows with special visitors, family, friends and family friends! |
KINGSTON 14DEC10: The beginning of the end - Arena Tour has officially begun with our first Canadian stop, Kingston Ontario, where everyone has gotten a taste of our Canadian Winter... it's damn c-c-cold! Even we find it chilly... guess we've lost some of our hardiness over the past few years. |
OTTAWA 25OCT10: Locoella! - We have been wondering why Ella has been bouncing off the walls for the past few days... she has been unusually hyperactive, bordering on "loco". |
LAS VEGAS 24OCT10: What happens in Vegas... - Of course, both girls wanted to try out their luck at the slots. We found a row of 25 cent slot machines, figured out where to put the coin, then Ella pulled back the handle. |
LAS VEGAS 24OCT10: The perfect plaid flannel shirt - The girls flipped when they found an Abercrombie & Fitch... style-guru Mark Ward (Jon) swears by it, and apparently, the thing to buy there (in addition to the sweat shirts and hoodies) is a plaid flannel shirt. Tessa found the perfect one for herself right away, and seeing as my opinion wasn't
needed at the fitting rooms, I tasked myself to find the perfect one for Ella. |
LAS VEGAS 24OCT10: Viva Las Vegas! - It is everything you would expect it to be... flashy, full of glitter and lights! Everything is completely over the top, with full-size replicas of everything from the Eiffel Tower to the Sphinx to the Campanile from Piazza San Marco in Venice to Elvis! And surprisingly... we loved it all! |
BOGOTA 21NOV10: Ella last appearance under the Quidam big-top: - happened yesterday, two shows. |
BOGOTA 19NOV10: Intersection vendors & cripples - These guys and gals, young and old, stroll up and down between the lanes of traffic selling everything from cigarette-lighter chargers to pop to roasted corn kernel snacks to slippers to flowers to toy rats... and then there are the cripples. In Canada, there are physically challenged individuals...
but here in South America (for the most part), what you see are, with all due respect, pathetic cripples (imagine what you don't see!). |
BOGOTA 12NOV10: Something you don't see everyday... - and yet I saw it on two occasions yesterday: |
BOGOTA 09NOV10: End of Big-Top party - It was a doozie, at Andre's, a club of the sort that I don't think even exists in Canada (well, maybe in Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver). Andre's is a multi-leveled complex with dark-themes and decadent decor - our bash was in Infierno (Hell), with bizarre Cirquesque characters lurking about, the Love Devil,
Golliwogs, twin-dwarf mimes. And when the dj wasn't blasting out Latin tunes, there was a traditional samba-style band to shake things up - snare, bass drum, trumpet, trombone - tissue skulls & hearts rained down upon our drunken celebration throughout the party, and eventually the jam-packed dance floor was inches deep in the stuff! The evening was all about bottomless
mojitos, tequila shots and letting loose! |
BOGOTA 09NOV10: Olga's Wedding - It was surprisingly charming; surprisingly, because although the date had been established for some time, very little seemed to have been being done in the way of preparation... as if it would all just happen on its own. However, charming it was, a wedding in the Big-Top, with all her friends, family and peers in
attendance. Oh, and yes, it was Ferran's wedding too... a great guy with the patience of Job. |
BOGOTA 06NOV10: Climbing the big-top - It was on our must-do list before the end of the Big-Top Tour, and today it happened... Robert "Tita" kindly offered to take us up to the top of the Grand Chapiteau, as a family! |
BOGOTA 31OCT10: The streets of Bogota - Pouring rain, a brawny middle-aged man pushing a large vegetable cart, shaking his head and wearing the biggest grin you can imagine... caught in the rain again! |
BOGOTA 21OCT10: Plight of an intersection vendor - A fellow selling roses at an intersection, standing in the lane outside a driver's window, about to make a sale when the red light changes to green... the steady traffic moves ahead at a brisk pace, the fellow runs after his sale, the driver now a good three cars ahead of him. He finally catches up
to the driver at the next red light, a full city block away... and the driver declines. |
BOGOTA 20OCT10: BOGOTA Premiere - Last night was the last big-top premiere for Quidam. There was the usual excitment in the air, but also a slight pang of sadness, as many noted that the passing of an era had begun. |
BOGOTA 19OCT10: Private tour of Bogota - The good Doctor Carlos, a renowned orthopedic surgeon, kindly offered to show us around his Bogota (along with physio Gerald, Yoko & little Mio). A drive to a bird's eye view of the city, amongst huge shady (and imported) eucalyptus trees, a brief tour of the Museo Botero (wonderful stuff!), a walk through
the main square... Dr Carlos is a wealth of information on the city's history and culture. He is also a warm and generous man, taking the time to chat with homeless people along the way, helping them out with some cash (and even a job offer to one English-speaking fellow!). A true philanthropist. |
BOGOTA 17OCT10: Date night! - Lauree and I had a date night. T&L Brigitte & beau Craig told us of a really great pub, the Bogota Brewing Company (BBC), within walking distance of our hotel... so we made tentative arrangements to meet up with them after the show Sunday night. The front desk gave us directions and in about 20 minutes we arrived at
quite a nice ale house. We ordered a couple of pints and got caught up on what's up between us. |
BOGOTA 12OCT10: First impressions - The security guard outside the grocery store across the street was scanning a lady's purse with a wand to detect firearms. The bank guard at the cash machine had some kind of semi-automatic rifle. There is a guard with a huge German Shepherd outside the gate of our apartment complex. |
OTTAWA 04OCT10: New digs! - Trip from Lima home to Ottawa was unexpectedly smooth... despite delayed take offs/landings and having to pick up & clear 11 bags (including a bicycle and two guitars) through US Customs, we made all our connections. Arrived in Ottawa 5 bags short, but that was good news too... it meant we didn't have to hire an extra
taxi to get our stuff to our new house! |
LIMA 24SEP10: Things we miss about... |
LIMA 24SEP10: 500th show! - Today, Ella is performing her 500th Quidam show. |
LIMA 22SEP10: Crazy Cabbie! - Tessa, Ella and I had finished shopping in Lima's music store district (5 de Mayo/Alfonso Ugarte) where we picked up a cajon (peruvian box drum), and decided to check out the Inca Market, a huge artesan market and popular tourist destination. We hailed a cab, told the driver our destination, negotiated a fair price,
got in and away we went. The driver, a young fellow, was friendly and determined... determined to drive us loco! |
LIMA 21SEP10: Starbucks! - There is a Starbucks in the mall adjoining our hotel here in Lima... it is very popular with the Quidam community, ourselves included. |
LIMA 18SEP10: Something about Lima culture - The drivers here are extremely impatient, incessantly honking their car horns, when stopped in traffic congestion, at each other when cutting in and out of lanes, and even when waiting at red lights to hurry the light to change. Add to that the taxi drivers honking to attract potential clients walking on
the sidewalk, and you get the Lima Caucophony Orchestra. |
LIMA 13SEP10: Tessa's "Sweet Sixteen" - Tessa celebrated her 16th birthday yesterday, rather quietly, but was lucky enough to get face to face birthday wishes from visitors from home, Lauree's running buddies Elaine, Hetty and Lil! Among the few but very special presents she received was a silver Inca bracelet that Elaine, Hetty & Lil picked up
for her on the "running buddy road trip" to Machu Picchu, white gold earings from Grandma Foran, and a pair of converse runners autographed by Quidam artists, techs and staff (how kind and thoughtful Rob McKenzie). And the chocolate birthday cake prepared by the Quidam kitchen was to die for! |
LIMA 25AUG10: Machu Picchu in a nut shell - Up at 5:45 a.m. to catch a flight to Cusco. Our taxi driver had to pull his bucket of bolts over for gas on the way to the airport. Arrived in Cusco around noon and immediately headed off to the famous mercado in Pisaq, amazing with short Peruvian woman in colourful shawls, fedoras and long black
braids... Snacked on giant kernel cobs of local corn with soft cheese served in it's own husk, chewed coca leaves for our health and well-being, but drew the line when it came to eating kuy (guinea pig), roasted in clay ovens, alongside potatoes and freshly-baked corn bread (which we did try). |
SANTIAGO 04AUG10: Road trip to Valparaiso - So we went on our first solo road trip since Tuscany... to Valparaiso on the coast of Chile, only 100 kms from Santiago. Driving there was easy, even without GPS or a proper map, because it was one well-marked highway all the way there, Ruta 68, through picturesque coastal mountains and into flat wine
country. |
SANTIAGO 27JUL10: About Santiago - Santiago is a nice enough city (Tessa surprisingly prefers it to Buenos Aires), not too large and with not much of a colonial feel... looks like a city in Canada. |
SANTIAGO 20JUL10: Tessa has a bad day! - The day started going sour at the mall, getting her hair cut. The fellow who washed her hair was unnecessarily rough... and the "cutter" thought Tessa only wanted a styling after the wash. When Tessa explained that she needed a cut, the cutter started snipping away without even asking how Tessa wanted it.
Whenever Tessa would begin to protest, the cutter would put her hands in the air, like "what?!!!", so she sat teary-eyed in reluctant submission, leaving the fate of her hair in the hands of the cutter. Tessa survived the cut, but didn't even get a comb-through or blow dry... she left the salon clawing clumps of damp hair cuttings from her scalp. |
SANTIAGO 13JUL10: An unexpected show-stopper! - Saturday night, Santiago dress rehearsal. Backstage waiting to go on, Ella has unusually severe butterflies in her stomach... she dismisses them as nervous pre-performance jitters. The crowd cheers madly as the lights go down, then hushes as Zoe Ella flicks on the red light on the stage. She sings her
opening notes, then jerks her head strangely to one side. Jamieson, the male singer, thinks perhaps she has breathed in a fly or something. Ella continues on, however, singing the next acapella line, and then, mysteriously and uncharacteristically, squats down quickly on the floor. |
SANTIAGO 02JUL10: Skiing in the Andes - This is Lauree's third day out hitting the slopes at Valle Nevado, 50 kms and 2 hours drive outside of Santiago. She is skiing with a small group from Cirque, Canadians & Americans mostly, and the odd Brit (that would be Neil!)... Tessa also went along on the first day, and loved it (too bad she has school
work to keep on top of). |
BUENOS AIRES 25JUN10: Iguazu Falls - Going to Iguazu Falls had long been on our South America "must do" list - Louise and Benoit made the trip when they visited us in Rio and said it was amazing - but there always seemed to be something else more locally to do. It was our last weekend in Argentina, however, and time was running out, so off to
Iguazu we went, a little more than an hour by plane. |
BUENOS AIRES 14JUN10: Back-seat Driver! - We were in a taxi heading back to our hotel, tired out after an afternoon of shopping. From the backseat, Lauree recognized our route, and thought the driver might miss a necessary turn: "Turn here," she told him, "Aqui, aqui!" |
BUENOS AIRES 12JUN10: Getting there is half the fun... - On Monday we set out for the town of Tigre, (named after the jaguar "tigers" that heavily populated the delta there before they were hunted to extinction), a mere fifty minutes by commuter train from Buenos Aires. It is a port town, once a major hub for fruit, and now a popular tourist
destination, with arts and craft markets, dozens of rowing clubs, museums, an amusement park and a casino. |
BUENOS AIRES 10JUN10: Sticky Dog Crap - Professional Dog Walking seems to be a big thing here... several times a day we see someone with a dozen-or-so surprisingly well-behaved leashed dogs. The amateurs don't bother with a leash... and there doesn't seem to be a "poop & scoop" policy in force either. You really have to watch your step! |
BUENOS AIRES 08JUN10: Buenos Aires Irish Session - Mariana, a new friend with a passion for the Emerald Isle had tried, but was unable to arrange a session for us to attend here in Buenos Aires. However, a buddy who works on tour with us, Manchester Craig, managed to plant the seed of an idea for a session at a pub he had come across called Molly
Malone's. It took me a few days to get a commitment from the pub's Argentine owners (I don't think they quite knew what an Irish Session was all about), but eventually they consented, and last night, the session was held to great success. |
BUENOS AIRES 01JUN10: A fun day in Uruguay - We spent yesterday in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, only an hour by ferry across the Rio de la Plata from Buenos Aires, with a bunch of Cirque friends (James & Laurel, Menno, Wiki, Neil, Mandy, Brian, Danielle & JP). We arrived early, rented scooters, planned our day over coffee, then buzzed around
the historical centre of town and the surrounding countryside on our scooters... it was a blast! The town had interesting ruins of a battlement, and it was cool watching a flock of small green parrots flitting from tree to tree. |
BUENOS AIRES 28MAY10: Tessa hablar Espanol - We have already been to several top-notch meat restaurants here in Buenos Aires (the Argentinian beef!), although we've been to a couple of good pasta places as well, including the late composer Astor Piazzolla's favorite, La Cantina Pierino... the pasta, hand-rolled by an old guy sitting in the corner,
was amazing! Anyway, we happened to be at an "in the book" meat restaurant, Cabana Las Lilas, and we had ordered a side of fries with our steaks, but there was no ketchup on the table. |
BUENOS AIRES 26MAY10: Sharp Dressed Man - Tessa was all excited a couple of days ago, asking if ZZ Top was in town... she saw a fellow with the unmistakable long beard and sunglasses in our hotel lobby. We asked one of the porters, and sure enough, ZZ Top is staying at our hotel. |
BUENOS AIRES 23MAY10: All You Need Is Love - Ella and I got on the subject of National Anthems - "Oh Canada", "The Star-Spangled Banner", "God Save The Queen" - and when I sang the opening to France's "La Marseillaise", Ella was astounded. |
BUENOS AIRES 21MAY10: We have arrived! - Everyone has been saying that Buenos Aires would be the jewel of our South American tour... and they are right! What an amazing place... it is the New York City of South America, with a Paris flavour. We have been out exploring the city since arriving three days ago... the funky boutiques of San Telmo, the
mega-shopping opportunities of the Florida Street pedestrian mall, the Cemetery in Ricoleta, the restaurants of Puerto Madero, the artisans of La Boca. |
PORTO ALEGRE 13MAY10: About Porto Alegre - Porto Alegre is a nice enough city, not too sprawling, and with all the comforts of home... if Sao Paulo is Toronto, Porto Alegre is Ottawa. It has its share of century-old buldings hidden between more modern structures and malls, a superb mercado, and there are plenty of municipal parks. The many poor are
very evident, especially in the parks where some have taken up shelter. |
PORTO ALEGRE 21APR10: Linguistic Curiosities - Porto Alegre is the first place we have been to where speaking English attracts curious attention from the locals (rather than indifference or contempt- Shanghai!). It has happened on several occasions over the past week... we speak, and then there is giggling, whispering, finger pointing, even people coming over to us to practice speaking what few words they know in English. It is all in good fun, nothing annoying or intimidating... but it is a little strange! |
DON'T YOU JUST HATE IT WHEN... you are in a taxi, the meter is running, and the driver keeps pulling over to ask for directions! |
SAO PAULO 11APR10: Blues-breakers - Sao Paulo is a huge modern city, with all the comforts of home (think Toronto), but we found ourselves in some sort of winter hibernation mode - we had no real interest to go out and explore the city outside of the ten-block radius around our apartment. Our big city blues finally broke in April, however, when
cousin Jayne & Krish came to visit us from Canada. |
SAO PAULO 16MAR10: Ella's Birthday Weekend - This past double-dark weekend, we celebrated Ella's 13th birthday quietly, as guests of Dr. Cohen at his beach house, located on a nature reserve just outside of Guaruja, approximately 75 kms from Sao Paulo. We were in good company - Suzanne (teacher), "Sideshow" Rob (tech), Danielle (physio), Gerald
(physio) and his wife Yoko & baby Mio - but Dr. Cohen was absent... he was kind enough, however, to set us up with his beach house staff, a young husband and wife, who took care of our every need. It was strange being there on our own, without our generous host. Tessa likened the situation to Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None", and we were nervously waiting for
someone to keel over during our first round of drinks. |
SAO PAULO 02MAR10: Sao Paulo Update - we have been in Sao Paulo for a couple of weeks now, and it is cool here... sweater and jeans weather! |
RIO DE JANEIRO 07FEB10: Rocinha Favela Tour - We went on a tour of the Rocinha favela, the largest in Rio... apparently it was featured in the film "City Of God". Most tourists stay out of favelas... they are typically where the poor live, large families living in shelters built on top of each other in a maze of alley ways. And most favelas are
ruled by drug gangs... the police stay out! |
RIO DE JANEIRO 06FEB10: Lauree flies - Today, Lauree finally got her chance to go hang gliding! Tessa couldn't go... unfortunately, she was too young. Lauree wore a harness strapped alongside the hang-glider "pilot", and then, a one-two-three-go, and they ran in step with each other, three-legged race style, right off the cliff. The trick was not
to jump, but instead, run straight out into mid-air, like Wile E Coyote. |
RIO DE JANEIRO 04FEB10: Brazilian Soccer - Candace and Mark treated us to a soccer game (thank you so much!) at Rio's famous Maracana Stadium, which can accommodate more than 100,000 spectators... the place is huge! The match we attended was between home team Flamengo and visitors Olaria.
RIO DE JANEIRO 02FEB10: Santa Teresa - Santa Teresa is a once-luxurious neighbourhood of Rio, situated on a mountain, and with many stately mansions and a few streets interesting for their boutiques and restaurants. |
RIO DE JANEIRO 31JAN10: Samba Schools - We had been lucky enough to watch the local neighbourhod Samba School rehearsing for a couple of times now... rehearsing for Carnival! |
RIO DE JANEIRO 26JAN10: Paraty and beyond - We took a two-day trip with Louise & Benoit to Paraty, a colonial town that has associations with gold, sugarcane and pirates in its colourful history. We walked the stone streets, explored its white single-story colonial buildings with their brightly-coloured doorways, tapped our feet in time with local
samba drummers readying themselves for Mardi-gras and enjoyed pizza, acai and gelato at the local eateries. |
RIO DE JANIERO 22JAN10: Amicable Mugger - One of our colleagues was strolling alone on the beach at Ipanema the other evening - it was only around 7:00, and there were still many people crowding the beach - when a stranger approached him. The stranger stepped on his foot (pinning it to the ground), pulled out a knife and demanded cash. |
RIO DE JANEIRO 20JAN10: Busy day - First of all, Lauree and Tessa made plans to try some tandem hang-gliding in the morning. They would each get a turn at being strapped to a professional hang-glider and then taking a running leap off of a cliff... a cliff on the mountain we see out our hotel window. Unfortunately, wind conditions were not
favourable, and the experience had to be postponed until the afternoon. |
RIO DE JANEIRO 15JAN10: Half-Mast - On our way past the War Memorial, Lauree noticed the flag was at half-mast. With some concern, she asked fellow-passenger David (one of the Quidam school teachers, and who happens to speak Portuguese very well) to speak to the shuttle driver and find out what the nation was mourning. |
RIO DE JANEIRO 14JAN10: Local Transit - A few evenings ago, after an after-dinner stroll along the beach boardwalk at Copacabana and Ipanema, we managed to catch a ride back to the hotel on a shuttle-van for locals that ran along the length of Atlantic Avenue. It was a beat-up looking van with a sweat-infused interior, but we were happy to take the
last of the avaliable seats. |
RIO DE JANEIRO 12JAN10: Cristo Redemptor and Sugarloaf - We all looked forward to our first day off since premiere in Rio, especially Ella, who performed in every show during the first week, having to stand in for Dalyane, who was unable to sing, having caught something nasty in her throat while she was home for the holidays. It was also our first
opportunity to spend some time with Louise and Benoit, although they had been having no difficulty filling their days with things to do. |
RIO DE JANEIRO 10JAN10: First Time Food - BBQ Chicken Hearts, about eight of them on a skewer... I thought they were nuggets of beef or something. Tessa ate one, I ate maybe four of them... neither of us could really get into them. |
RIO DE JANEIRO 08JAN10: Rio De Janeiro Premiere - Ella did the premiere last night to a full, enthusiastic house. The "Who's Who" of the Brazilian television and movie scene were out in force, so many celebrities that tickets were hard to get a hold of. We personally did not recognize any names of the illustrious lot, but there was talk that
Versace's daughter was in attendance, and at one point, it was falsely rumoured that LADY GAGA would make an appearance. |
RIO DE JANEIRO 05JAN10: Flying Down To Rio - We had a memorable stay with Nana, Tim, Debbie, Bob & Chelsea... although we did catch some of that Olympic Fever that is going around. We might have to bring it with us to Brazil! |
VANCOUVER 31DEC09: New Year's Eve - The girls and I are celebrating New Year's Eve in the Sunshine Hills neighbourhod of Delta, British Columbia in the warm company of Nana, Tim, Debbie, Bob, Chelsea and her friend Andrew, enjoying good food and drink (wings, perogies, beer and more). We will work on the family puzzle (Beatles Abbey Road) and then
get into a game of Rummoli until midnight. |
VANCOUVER 26DEC09: What a city! - We are having a wonderful time in Vancouver... we have shopped Robson St, enjoyed the lights at Van Deusen Gardens, survived Christmas, rocked out with The Beatles RockBand, strolled along the sea wall at Stanley Park (Lauree got to run it with Sean!)... and we continue to eat, drink and be merry. |
VANCOUVER 25DEC09: Merry Christmas from Canada's west coast! - We are thrilled to be spending this Christmas in Vancouver, British Columbia with family... Nana, Tim & Debbie, Bob, Chelsea, Judy & Sean (wish you could have made it out too, Steve, Tracey & kids). |
CURITIBA 20DEC09: Our last days are spent... - Lauree returned safely from Moscow Wednesday night, and Ella and I were so happy to have her back! She did not have any time to see the sights of Curitiba though... there were only four more days of shows before a Christmas break. Ella performed the last show on Sunday afternoon, and we flew out
Monday. |
MOSCOW 12DEC08: Lauree scraps at the market! - Lauree had an altercation with a couple of Chechen thugs at a market in Moscow the other day.... |
MOSCOW 08DEC09: Tessa flies solo... - Tessa left Moscow this morning for Vancouver Canada, where we all will be spending Christmas with family. |
CURITIBA 28NOV09: 2012 (The Movie) - Last weekend, Ella and I went to see the "end of the world" flick 2012, starring John Cusack. We had seen Vicky Christina Barcelona in Spain, and since this film features Rio de Janiero (the movie poster shows the giant statue of Christ toppling over onto a panic-stricken mob), we thought it reason enough to
check 2012 out while we were in Brazil. |
CURITIBA 24NOV09: Some thoughts... - In Brazil, private property is protected from the public by way of 8-10 foot high walls... there are industrial properties with wrought-iron fences crowned with coiled razor wire, commercial properties with concrete walls topped with barbed-wire and residential properties with stone walls capped with sharp iron
tacks or shards of glass strategically placed on end. |
BELO HORIZONTE 15NOV09: Don't you just hate it when... - you step in freshly-chewed gum! And in the 32C heat of BH, this wad of gum was extremely sticky... ever-stretching strands connected the bottom of my sandal to the mother-load on the pavement. Before I knew it, several wisps of the gum were wrapped around my bare heel... I tried pulling it
off my foot, but the gum just kept stretching, and then it was all over my fingers and hand. |
BELO HORIZONTE 15NOV09: Our last day is spent - lunching in the comfortable company of new friends Davi and Daniela. They brought us to a traditional Brazilian restaurant called Xapuri, housed at a one-time ranch house... there is still a horse stable operating at the premises. We ate outside (is there even an inside?) at one of several dozen
rustic wooden plank tables with matching benches, in a large rough-hewn beamed open-sided structure with a thatched roof. |
MOSCOW 06NOV09: Meanwhile... - Lauree and Tessa are freezing as the Russian winter closes in... don't forget, Varekai performs under the Grand Chapiteau... the big-top... a tent!!! |
BELO HORIZONTE 05NOV09: Our time in Ouro Preto - The promoter organized a day trip to Ouro Preto (meaning "Black Gold"), a two hour bus ride from Belo Horizonte. Ouro Preto is a former gold mining town and was the state capital in colonial times... Belo Horizonte became state capital a little over one hundred years ago, and was built specifically
for this purpose. |
BELO HORIZONTE 02NOV09: Our Brazilian Hallowe'en in Brazil - It began last night after the shows... we were shuttled just out of town to a place called Freud's Bar, which prides itself as being "the world's hardest bar to find". It was in the middle of nowhere (nowhere being Vila de Serra, Nova Lima), deep in the bush, at the end of several
off-shooting ridiculously-steep-hilled red dirt roads. The drivers kept getting lost, and at the end of the night coming home, rain had made the red mud so slick that vehicle, including the shuttles, had great difficulty climbing up the steep hills... the sound of whizzing spinning tires reminded me of our Canadian winters. |
BELO HORIZONTE 24OCT09: Ella's MTV Interview - Today, Ella, Jamieson (the male vocalist) and Mando-Jim were interviewed by MTV. I assume it was MTV Brazil, which compares with MuchMusic in Canada... and Ella did mention that the girl interviewing her did not speak much English. |
BELO HORIZONTE 21OCT09: Don't you just hate it when... - This tends to happen to me quite a bit: I set my half cup of coffee down for a moment and next thing I know, the cup is gone... Lauree, in the process of tidying up, has taken it, poured the coffee down the drain and washed out the cup. |
BELO HORIZONTE 20OCT09: Don't you just hate it when... - Found an nice supermarket around the corner from our apartment here in BH... well-stocked, organized, clean. I picked up a few items and cheerfully waited in line at one of the three busy cashes. |
BRASILIA 07OCT09: Lobby Bar Jam - Monday night we jammed in the lobby bar... Jim, Ella and I. Afterward, Ella confessed to me that it was the first time she has jammed without having Tessa there to carry the load. |
BRASILIA 04OCT09: Work And Dignity - We observed it in Mexico, and we are observing it here in Brazil... people employing themselves in any way possible. |
HAMBURG 29SEP09: Tessa reports on... Berlin! - "Berlin was great! We did the bus tour twice... we went around the first time to get an idea of what there was to see and do, and then we went around again to hop off and hop on at the sights we thought would be interesting. We went to see what was left of the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie,
Brandenburg Gate, Bellevue Castle (where the president lives, or lived??!!), Haus der Kulteren der Welt aka The Pregnant Oyster (some sort of theater), Siegessaule aka Chick on a Stick (haha!!!), KaDeWe Mall (biggest mall in Europe, bigger than Harrods... we ate lunch there today!!!), the Holocaust Mahnmal (holocaust memorial) and Alexanderplatz (pretty much all the touristy
stuff... ) |
BRASILIA 27SEP09: A little about Brasilia - Brasilia didn't exist before the sixties... it is a completely modern city, built in the shape of an airplane, and very much designed for automobiles - boulevards are six lanes in each direction, with traffic circles everywhere and few traffic lights. And there are huge service stations every few blocks,
with gas pump access for 32 cars at a time! |
BRASILIA 25SEP09: Baby Don't Go! - Lauree & Tessa left for Europe this afternoon. Parting was a lot more difficult than I think any one of us imagined it would be... (we miss you already!). |
BRASILIA 19SEP09: The bigger they are, the harder they fall! - Our big show in Brasilia was a big bust. |
BRASILIA 10SEP09: Vova's Birthday Bash - Tessa's buddy Vova celebrated his 15th birthday last evening, and as the two are very close, our family was invited to his party. |
BRASILIA 09SEP09: Canada's Fiddling Ambassadors - While we were still in Salvador, I contacted the Canadian Consulate in Brasilia to see if there might be any chance of Tessa, Ella, Jim and I performing some Canadian Old-Time fiddling and stepdancing at the consulate. We received a response from Marilia Serra, Assessora de Imprensa, Cultura e
Diplomacia Pzblica, who has come up with several wonderful opportunities for us, including a live radio broadcast, a dance workshop, a function at the consulate, and a showcase at a local theatre. |
SALVADOR 01SEP09: Tessa takes the plunge! - Tessa and Lauree's work-buddy Brigitte have had many early mornings over the past week and a bit, working on their certification for scuba diving... but it all paid off today - they completed their training, made two open water dives and received their certificates! |
SALVADOR 28AUG09: Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main... - Well, not quite sailing... but on Thursday morning, we set out to the open sea on a large wooden vessel with masts and a motor, and sixty or so of our Cirque colleagues. It was a gray day with a drizzle of rain, and the ocean was choppy, but the warmth of our pleasant company soon took
the chill off (or maybe it was the caipirinhas!). |
SALVADOR 22AUG09: Un-break My Heart! - The promoter that brought Quidam to Brazil had also set up several concert dates for our long-time favourite songstress, Toni Braxton, in several of the cities on our schedule. We had a very good chance of getting VIP tickets to see her perform, and maybe even back-stage passes... but, for whatever reason, all
her Brazil dates have been cancelled. |
NOT KNOWING PORTUGUESE DRAWBACK No. 01: We just discovered that ever since arriving here in Brazil, more than 12 weeks ago... we have been using fabric softener instead of laundry detergent to wash all our dirty clothes! |
SALVADOR 17AUG09: Premiere Party Salvador - We attended the premiere party last night at the Cafe Bahia Aflitos where we experienced some of the best musical entertainment Salvador has to offer... Bahian drummers, some very impressive capoeira and special musical guests, Timbalada, featuring the legendary Carlinhos Brown. Timbalada played fabulous,
funky hip-hop! It was just like seeing Sly and the Family Stone (except no one fell off the stage stoned out of their head!). |
SALVADOR 14AUG09: Salvador Premiere - Ella did the Salvador premiere last night, a big night with plenty of Brazilian stars making an appearance, including (apparently) singers Marisa Monte (Brazil's answer to Celine Dion, but I think better liked), and Margareth Menezes... but we did not get the opportunity to hob-nob with any of them. |
SALVADOR 13AUG09: Big news! - And the big news is... Lauree is going to Russia!!! For around 10 weeks starting sometime in September!!! And she's bringing Tessa with her!!! |
SALVADOR 07AUG09: The Bahia experience - Salvador, capital city of Brazil from 1549 to 1763, once the second most important city of the Portuguese empire, being the major commercial hub for sugar cane, tobacco and slaves. |
SALVADOR 03AUG09: First impression of Salvador... - was one the freeeway from the airport to the hotel. Traffic slowed, a single police car blocking off one lane, a clear plastic sheet covering the body of a dead middle-aged male, head in a pool of blood, police or news photographer snapping pictures. No sign of a crashed vehicle, or
motorcycle... the fellow must have been hit by a car. |
RECIFE 01AUG09: Our last week is spent... A day trip to the beach at Maracaipe, Tessa attending a capoeira workshop, Ella going on a school trip to see the work of local painter/sculptor Francisco Brennand... and we were done with Recife. |
RECIFE 18JUL09: Porto de Galinhas - Yesterday, we went on an outing with a bunch from Cirque to a beautiful beach (considered the most beautiful in Brazil) at Porto de Galinhas (Port of Chickens), approximately 40 minutes by bus from Recife. Apparently, it got its name during the last half of the 19th Century - whenever "black ships" illegally transporting slaves from Africa to Brazil would arrive in the bay, word around the village was that "there are new chickens in the port".
It was more of a lagoon, with no waves, but still salty water... and the best caipiroskas we have had since arriving in Brazil - they were too good!
RECIFE 16JUL09: Run Day Recife - Lauree ran 8K this morning in a run organized by the gym where she has been participating in running classes - like spinning classes, with loud pumping music, but instead of stationary bicycles, everyone is on a treadmill. Apparently, you run at your own pace, but speed up, slow down, go on an incline, etc, at the
direction of a pace leader... Lauree enjopys it immensely - enough to be going to the 7:00 morning class! |
RECIFE 09JUL09: A new tent is christened! - Last night was premiere here in Recife. Ella had the night off, but we stayed on site long enough to participate in a tent christening! |
RECIFE 07JUL09: Lovely Olinda - We spent the day in a lovely little colonial town only a ten minute cab ride from site... Olinda. The town seems filled with 16th Century churches, monastaries, convents, and assorted other Catholic edifices. There are also many, many artesan shops which sell unique quality wood carvings, paintings, blankets,
jewellry, bric-a-brac... we were invited into the home of an artist whom Lauree had sought to seek out - he "finger" paints! He demonstrated his technique by painting a (picture of a ) fish for us... he paints lots of fish! |
RECIFE 05JUL09: Welcome to Recife - We have long since settled into our digs in Recife. We can walk around in relative safety here... the massive mall (2nd largest in Brazil!), the supermarket, restaurants, the beach... the only thing is, we are none of us too keen about splashing in the waves here. |
FORTALEZA 25JUN09: Our last days are spent... - The girls spent the better-part of a day last week with a local fellow who showed them (and the other school kids) how to weave various things out of palm leaves - hats, grasshoppers, roses... amazing stuff. |
FORTALEZA 21JUN09: Beach Park - On one of our Mondays off, we went as a group to a local water-park called Beach Park. It was a perfect day, slight cloud cover, not too hot, and we had a great time - there were no line-ups (being a Monday, I suppose), so we were able to try every slide at our leisure, as many times as we wished. And what a treat is
was, to be at a water-park where the water is the temperature of bath-water (instead of ice-water (Mount Cascade!). |
FORTALEZA 20JUN09: It's just the way it is - A couple of lads juggling pins for change in front of three lanes of cars stopped at an intersection... a woman digging through each can-load of trash dumped into the compacter of a garbage truck in hopes of finding bottles or cans that can be returned for the deposit. Enterprising ways of dealing with
financial diffulties. |
FORTALEZA 17JUN09: One for the record books! - Yesterday Cirque du Soleil celebrated its 25th anniversary... and one of the events planned to take place all over the globe was a bid to claim the Guinness Book of Records title for the most people walking on stilts. Tessa, Ella and I took part - the stilts were only a foot off the ground, so it
didn't take too much time to get the hang of it - and walked the regulation distance marked out around the big top, en mass with the other artists, technicians, teachers and school kids. Many of the cirquadors (called "pirhana" here in Brazil) participated as well... we all had a lot of fun. |
FORTALEZA 12JUN09: Premiere Fortaleza - an exciting couple of days... |
FORTALEZA 03JUN09: Saturday at the beach - The beach is crowded and the atmosphere is festive. For ten Brazilian reals ($5 CDN) a beach broker will find you a perfect spot and set you up with wooden deck chairs and an umbrella... peddlers stroll by with their wares - bikinis, cover-ups, caps, sun-screen, ice cream, coconuts, cooked crabs, shrimp &
lobsters, jewellry, arts & crafts, kites... a trio of "forro" musicians stroll by - triangle, brazilian fife & drum... when you get tired of sitting, you can go into the very warm sea and get battered around by huge waves that come in rapid-fire succession, or go horse-back riding (10 reals for forty minutes), take surfing lessons or get a massage. |
FORTALEZA 01JUN09: Creepy Critters - Tessa & Ella have recently had rather exciting episodes with creepy critters.
FORTALEZA 28MAY09: First impressions - We arrived here a few days ago, and already we do not know what day of the week it is. We do know that it is winter here, because that is what we have been told. It is hot, in the high twenties every day, and very muggy... but our hotel is situated right on the beach, and the Atlantic Ocean here is even warmer
than the pool at Hurghada in Egypt, so we are quite fine with it. |
OTTAWA 21MAY09: Home for a holiday - Landed in Montreal to visit family there, spend a very nice few days with Louise, Benoit, Anne-Marie, Mike, Pascale, Ronald and little cousins Margot and Gael. |
HURGHADA 05MAY09: The Deep Blue Red Sea - We headed out on a boat and went snorkling in the Red Sea... it was the clearest and bluest water we have ever seen, the colour of Windshield Washer Anti-Freeze! We stopped a couple of times to splash about... the coral reef was spectacular, and the fish... all shapes and sizes (up to about a foot long) and
in every colour-combination imaginable... pinks, yellows, purples, blues! |
LUXOR 03MAY09: Beasts of Burden
- Donkeys, pale grey and white in colour, are everywhere you look, in city, town and country, with over-sized owners on their back or pulling two-wheel carts loaded with sacks or spilling over with some form of greenery, with the driver perched on top. It was poignant to see a donkey hauling an overloaded cart with her baby trotting happily by her side. And donkeys not
engaged in work stand droopingly untethered on the spot where their owners leave them, seemingly grateful for the break. |
LUXOR 02MAY09: The River Nile - After touring around the Valley of the Kings and the Hatshepsut Temple on the West Bank, we set out in a felucca, a traditional Egyptian sailing vessel, and sailed down the River Nile from Thebes back to our hotel in Luxor. It was incredible to be out on the cool peaceful water... along the shore, palm trees interspersed with occasional mud-brick buildings, lots of birds, storks, kingfishers, the odd off-duty donkey or solitary cow grazing on the lush grasses... a flat-bottomed boat in the reeds with boys fishing by slapping the surface of the water with a cane, a small barge filled with garbage bags from cruise ships (the bags are loaded onto carts to be taken into the desert and burned. |
CAIRO 29APR09: Laashokran!
- "Laashokran" is "No thank you" in Arabic... a valuable phrase to know, because we were besieged by camel flies everywhere we went... and we had to be careful, because everyone, no matter how young or old, was on the take: |
ISTANBUL 28APR09: Three Continents in one day!
- Today we took a ferry up the Bosphorus River to a village in Asia called Anadolu Kavagi, at the mouth of the Black Sea. From this village we made the 25 minute hike up Caferbaba Sokagi to the ruins of Anadolu Kavagi Kalesi, a medieval castle built by the Byzantines, very picturesque, with sheep and goats grazing the around it on the hillside. From its strategic location, we
could look out toward the Black Sea, and see Europe on the left side of the Bosphorus and Asia on the right. |
ISTANBUL 27APR09: Whirling Dervishes - We went to see a whirling dervishes show tonight, and it left us a bit confused. Three men making themselves dizzy by spinning around in circles didn't seem very entertaining... maybe it is some kind of religious ceremony. |
ISTANBUL 26APR09: Topkapi & Turkish Baths - Today's highlight would have been our tour of the Topkapi Palace, with its harem, treasury, and well-groomed grounds... or possibly the Basilica Cistern, a strange-but-beautiful magical place built underground in the 6th century... but in truth, it was neither. The highlight was our afternoon at a
300-year-old Turkish Bath called Cagaloglu Hamami (we couldn't find the 500-year-old Turkish Bath!). |
ISTANBUL 25APR09: Turkish Delights! - I will not bore you with the tourist stuff we have done since arriving here... searching for treasures at the Grand Bazaar but avoiding any bantering, wandering the maze of back streets cramped with locals, experiencing the sights and smells of the Spice Market, sampling some very tasty Turkish Delight, eating
kebaps, BBQ corn-on-the-cob and drinking apple tea... but I must tell you of one amazing thing we experienced yesterday: prayer time at the mosque. |
PRAGUE 24APR09: Czech (Republic) Please! - We have spent the past four days holidaying in and around Prague... it has been our first experience in an eastern-European country, and we are very impressed. Prague is beautiful, cobbled streets, narrow lanes, shops, restaurants, bars, and very busy with tourists. |
GLASGOW 20APR09: Our week is spent... - Ella performed at the Glasgow premiere, and the End-of-the-UK-tour party was held the next night. Cousin Sharon and her daughter Emily arrived from Toronto to visit for a few days and then cousin Brian came for the weekend to take in all the sights around Glasgow... the Tenement House of Miss Agnes Toward,
George Square, Buchanon Street, the Cathedral, the Necropolis... They watched the show Saturday night (Ella's final UK appearance), and then on Sunday, we all took the train on a day-trip to Edinburgh (except for Lauree, who had to work). |
GLASGOW 13APR09: The Godfather of Glasgow Fiddle - Upon arriving in Glasgow, we looked up fiddler Brendan McHugh at the suggestion of Mr Alan O'Leary at the Kilkenny Pub session in London. Brendan is a great guy and a great player from a fiddle family... his father Jimmy McHugh was a well-respected fiddler. |
SHEFFIELD 12APR09: Going, going gone! - We have been in Sheffield for 6 days, and tomorrow we pack up and leave. And that is pretty much all there is to say about it. |
DUBLIN 06APR09: Our last days are spent... - going from one traditional session to another! On Saturday night after Ella performed her last Dublin show (to more than 6,000 enthusiastic people!), we headed over to join a session at O'Donoghue's, a well-known pub that dates back to 1789. It was standing room only, but luckily the girls where able to
squeeze into the session circle. I was able to enjoy a pint of Guinness before I finally found myself seated in the session. We got kicked out only at closing time, but not before receiving a warm invitation to come back for the early Sunday evening session. |
DUBLIN 06APR09: Some traditional session politics - Most, if not all, of the sessions in Dublin are hosted, and tourist-driven sessions can have many different hosts and players over the course of an evening, like shift-work. Some hosts welcome anyone to join in, while other hosts seem to prefer to put on more of a show-based session with their
regular established players. Gogarty's has several different hosts, or same hosts with different line ups... in fact, I think we were lucky to be extended an invitation to play there. | ||||
DUBLIN 04APR09: Road trip across Ireland - Cousin Brian is visiting us once again, and this time Marlene (Shillingford) came along with him. Yesterday we set out on a road trip across the isle, heading west across counties Kildare, Offaly and Galway to County Clare, with its picturesque patches of green pasture bordered by an intricate
network of stone fences. These pastures lay scattered amid virgin fields of rocks... we could appreciate the generations of Irish toil it would have taken to clear a field for farming. We also saw the Burren, a barren landscape of rippling lava-lke rock, looking like a river turned to stone. Oliver Cromwell famously described the Burren as: |
DUBLIN 01APR09: Dublin Premiere - Quidam opened in Dublin last night to a full house - a record-breaking 5,885+/- people, the largest single audience Quidam has performed in front of to date. The night was memorable... Ella did her usual splendid job, and the audience was incredibly enthusiastic and one-hundred percent into it right from the
get-go... it felt like the audience on Quidam's last night in Barcelona. And when the artists came out to take their bows in the finale, the whole arena was flickering like lightning with the flashes of hundreds of cameras (even though photos are not allowed!). |
DUBLIN 31MAR09: Fiddler's Dream - Five Irish sessions in three days... and counting! |
MANCHESTER 27MAR09: The Jolly Angler Session - We headed over to The Jolly Angler late, around 11:00 pm, after Ella's second show at the MEN Arena. By the time we arrived, there were already some 20 musicians in the session... and the pub is very small, so we weren't convinced we would find seats. It wasn't long, however, before a couple of
players called it a night, and a patron kindly gave up her chair, and eventually we were all around the session table, although not sitting together. |
MANCHESTER 26MAR09: Riverdance - One of the newer faces on tour, a fellow by the name of Tyrone, worked extensively with the show Riverdance before coming to Quidam, and as both shows are currently running in Manchester, he managed to get us some tickets (thanks Tyrone!) |
BIRMINGHAM 22MAR09: Goodbye Birmingham - Before we knew it, we were sitting on the bus on our way to Manchester. Birmingham was okay, and the area we stayed in has undergone massive urban renewal over the past few years... beautiful modern squares, a picturesque canal system (complete with Canada Geese, Mallards and sight-seeing barges),
museums, shopping malls, restaurants and night clubs, all built around a splattering of heritage municiple buildings. We spent an afternoon wandering around at The Bull Ring, a huge North American-style shopping mall with Starbucks, La Senza, The Gap... felt like home, but without the urge to buy. |
BIRMINGHAM 17MAR09: St Patrick's Day - We met some lads at a session at The Spotted Dog on Monday night, who invited us to come out and perform a St Paddy's Day set at The Ceol Castle, a well-known Irish establishment here in Birmingham. We did the set, a mix of Canadian and Irish tunes, to an appreciative crowd (the night was still young). We headed out while the going was good... to celebrate St Paddy's back at the apartment in a more cosmopolitan fashion: with Indian take-away! |
BIRMINGHAM 15MAR09: Birthday girl! - It was during a blizzard, some twelve years ago... I was shovelling out the driveway, and Lauree, nine months pregnant, poked her head out the door to say that she had begun having contractions, and that we should soon think about getting to the hospital. Our neighbour and good friends Rob & Diane
McCullough, had offered to mind Tessa during the birthing, so I headed over to let them know the big moment had arrived. They asked how Lauree was doing. |
NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 14MAR09: Highlights of the week - Newcastle-Upon-Tyne is the site on the River Tyne where a new castle was built in the early 11th Century by William the Conqueror. The area has an important history, being where the railway locomotive was first conceived, as well as the electric light bulb. The locals call themselves
"Geordie's"... the most famous Geordie of late is Sting. |
BELFAST 08MAR09: A Musical Moment - We ended up participating in three different sessions on Saturday, our last day in Belfast. Before noon, we brought Ella to the Odyssey Arena (where Quidam was being performed) and got her going there, then headed over to a 3:00 afternoon session at McHugh's. It was an intimate session, with
extremely talented (and personable) players... Kevin (on fiddle), Hazlett (bouzouki & 1934 Martin four-string tenor guitar), Sean (on bohdran) and a fellow with carney experience whose name I didn't catch (pipes, penny whistles & flute). |
BELFAST 06MAR09: Traditional Sessions - You can't swing a cat in Belfast without hitting a bar that hosts a traditional (Irish) session... the challenge is to find one that will allow in minors. I contacted several places ahead of time, and the kind manager at The Garrick welcomed the girls to sit in on any of the three sessions they hold
during the week (Thanks Colm!). We went, along with Jim, on Wednesday night... the players were terrific, and allowed the girls to sit in, with some initial suspicion. It did not take long, however, for the girls (and Jim) to pass the credibility test, and later when the time came for us to leave, every session player stood up and shook our hand, genuinely thanking us
all for coming out. |
LIVERPOOL 01MAR09: Magical Mystery Tour - Tessa, Ella and I set out yesterday on our own Beatle tour. We took the bus to the suburbs where The Fab Four spent their childhood. Our first stop was Penny Lane (which took us a good hour to find!), and it was a bit of a disappointment. The charming little lane where the barber shaves another
customer, the children laugh at the banker behind his back, the fireman keeps his fire engine clean and the nurse sells poppies from a tray... appears to have been solely a product of Paul McCartney's imagination. |
LIVERPOOL 27FEB09: First impressions... - One of the first things Tessa and I saw upon arriving in Liverpool was a well-fed rat... creeping nonchalently along the sidewalk before disappearing through the bars of a sewer grate. The walk from the train station to our apartment took us down street after street of dilapidated boarded-up
buildings. And Lauree and Ella had already warned us about the apartment (they arrived earlier in the day)... it was not the Ritz (but it sure rhymed with it!). We were not impressed. After nearly a week in Liverpool, however, we have changed our view somewhat (and the accommodations aren't that bad either!). |
LONDON 22FEB09: London Fiddle Convention - Brian headed back to Cermany, Lauree and Ella got on a bus to Liverpool, and Tessa and I headed off to the London Fiddle Convention. |
LONDON 21FEB09: Salisbury, Stonehedge & Bath - After spending Thursday racing Brian around London to the must-see sights, we took advantage of Brian's offer to drive to go on a road trip into the English countryside. |
LONDON 21FEB09: A last days are spent... - Tomorrow we leave for Liverpool, but we have not wasted a moment of our time since Ella finished the final shows of Quidam last Sunday at the Royal Albert Hall. |
LONDON 14FEB09: 250th performance - Ella has been working hard this week, doing her own shows every second day, plus covering for the other girl who shares the role (Dalyane), who is off with a knee injury. |
LONDON 13FEB09: I Don't Like... Fridays (the 13th) - No bad luck on this day... Sir Bob Geldolf was in the audience for tonight's performance. None of the artists got to meet him, however - the QUIDAM PR person kept him all to herself... |
LONDON 11FEB09: Attack of the Motorized Wheel Chair!
- It was memories of Barcelona all over again for Tessa on the "Tube" the other day. It was rush hour, and a gentleman was having great difficulty maneouvering his heavy motorized wheel chair out of the jam-packed car - one of the wheels kept rolling over an obstruction... Tessa's foot! |
LONDON 09FEB09: The Perseverance Set - Played a Canadian fiddle set at The Perseverance pub (Jim. Tessa, Ella & I) with special guest Elke Sullivan on piano. Our upbeat energetic set really stood out from the other performances there... all singer-songwriters lamenting about love lost. |
LONDON 08FEB09: London Premiere Celebrities - We had no idea the London premiere was attended by many celebrities... and we certainly didn't get to meet any of them!
A veritable who's who (who?) of British celebrity. |
LONDON 06FEB09: "a little alehouse on bankside"
- We had dinner the other night at a quaint little pub in the Borough, called The Anchor. This pub has a lot in common with many other pubs in London... it reeks of history! |
LONDON 06FEB09: Standing Room Only! - Today, Judy, Tessa and I spent the afternoon at Westminster Abbey... the whole gang was there, everyone from Kings & Queens (Edward I, III, V, VI, Richard II, Henry III, V, VII, James I, Charles II, William III, George II, Anne, Bloody Mary, Mary II, Elizabeth I, Mary, Queen of Scots) to politicians &
heroes (Disraeli, Gladstone, Wolfe) to musicians & actors (Haendel, Olivier) to writers & poets (Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning, Kipling, Hardy)... and these are just some of the names I recognized... the place is jam-packed with the bones of the English rich and famous! |
LONDON 02FEB09: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow - Cousin Judy Foran has arrived, and brought some Canadian winter along with her! London awoke this morning under a thick blanket of snow, the heaviest snowfall in 18 years. The city is at a standstill... no buses, tube, trains, and airports, schools and offices closed. The London urchins
are out in force, however, enjoying their winter wonderland. |
LONDON 27JAN09: English & Indian - We had lunch at The Horniman At Hays... and the rule of the day was that everyone had to order something typically English. We must have hit the place on an off day, because it has the reputation for being the worst pub in London... and it wasn't at all bad. |
LONDON 25JAN09: The Queen's Box - We ordered tickets for Debbie, Tim and the gang to see Quidam at the Royal Albert Hall, and we were initially told that they could get the box immediately above the Queen's box, which is on permanent reserve for the Queen. Then we were told that we might be able to get tickets for right in the Queen's box itself... THAT was pretty exciting! In the end, they enjoyed the show from very good seats two boxes to the left of the Queen's box. |
LONDON 24JAN09: Debbie, Tim & co - We bade farewell to Derek last weekend (he got in one more West End show with Tessa - Zorro!), and hello to my sister Debbie, her husband Tim, and their two grown kids Bobby and Chelsea. Also along for the ride is Bobby's good friend and partner in crime, Robert. |
LONDON 19JAN09: Fiddle Family Ties - We met a lovely couple for the first time at Saturday afternoon's performance of Quidam, a couple so comfortable to be with that we felt we had known them for many years: Elke Sullivan (Mark's sis!) and her fiancESimon, who were lucky enough to receive tickets for the show from mother Emily. What a great
gift idea! |
LONDON 15JAN09: Rowan Atkinson - Sometimes you stumble blindly into a good thing... which was the case with Oliver! |
LONDON 15JAN09: Derek's first half-week - Derek arrived Saturday, and has had a full half-week absorbing the sights around Londontown... the secrets of the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, the original Hard Rock Cafe, Abbey Road Studio, Quidam at the Royal Albert Hall (sitting front and
centre at the sound console with Head Sound Technician... thanks Peter!), Piccadilly, the Museum of Natural History (Darwin Exhibit), the Science Museum, and a multitude of West End shows - Grease, Hairspray, Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap and Oliver! |
LONDON 08JAN09: Billy Elliot - The day after premiere was quiet, a day for sleeping in, working on our Christmas puzzle and general poking about. We headed out in the late afternoon, however, to pick up Tessa's laptop, which was in the shop getting a new screen (the old one got damaged in transit from Belgium) and maybe catch a movie. |
LONDON 07JAN09: Ella's London Premiere - Ella performed last night in Quidam's premiere at the Royal Albert Hall (pronounced "hole" by the locals). It was actually her second performance at the Royal Albert (RAH)... full dress rehearsal (media attended) was on the 3rd of January. I was fortunate enough to play that show as well. I have since
been put back on the bench (a story for the "tell-all" version). |
01JAN09: Another New Year - This New Year's Eve did not involve climbing an extinct volcano alongside its smoking twin. During the day, Tessa and Ella had school and Lauree worked. Like any self-respecting musician on New Year's Eve, I played in the early part of the evening, but in the form of a two hour sound check at the Royal Albert
Hall. |
LONDON 26DEC08: Wicked! - One of the gifts Santa left under the tree was four tickets to see the musical Wicked at the Apollo Theatre. Lauree charted out a course for getting there on foot, and in late afternoon, off we went. |
LONDON 25DEC08: Merry Christmas! - We are spending a quiet, simple day in our new London home... Lauree has cooked a turkey with all the trimmings, Tessa & Ella are pre-occupied with new books, puzzles, etc., and I am finally doing catch-up on our blog. |
LONDON 24DEC08: First impressions of Londontown - Fantastic... simply fantastic! |
BRUSSELS 22DEC08: Our last days are spent... - Brian drove us back to Brussels on Wednesday... we dropped Ella off at school, Lauree headed off to work, and Brian, Tessa & I paid a visit to the Royal Military Museum, walking distance from our apartment. Brian was evidently very impressed with the place, the aircraft, and the First World War
tanks. We were happy to be able to come along and benefit from his knowledge of the century's-worth of airplanes exhibited there. |
BRUSSELS 15DEC08: Double Dark in Germany - On Day One of our double dark, we took the one-and-a-half-hour train ride into Germany, where we met up with cousin Brian in Aachen. |
BRUSSELS 12DEC08: And the drummer is... where? - I should not be telling you this... |
BRUSSELS 10DEC08: Quidam Christmas Party 2008 - The party this year was, in some people's minds, the best ever. It was held at the Belgian Centre of Comic Strip Art, a comic strip museum located in the beautiful turn of the century Waucquez Warehouses, considered to be one of the masterpieces of the famous Belgian Art Nouveau architect,
Victor Horta. |
BRUSSELS 08DEC08: A Very Special Christmas Jam - I am happy to say that our Christmas Jam at O'Farrell's was a total success. |
02DEC08 BRUSSELS: Bob & Lauree's Big Night Out! - Last night, Lauree's workmate and friend Brigitte offered to take Tessa & Ella overnight for a slumber party. The kids were naturally excited about their evening away from us (for a change), but also strangely excited about the evening Lauree and I would spend together (I was instructed to "be
fun" by both of them!).
We wandered around, then made our way to Delirium for a pint of Grimberger. Outside the Delirium is the female equivalent of the Mannekin-Pis... the squatting Jeanneke-Pis, which oddly enough is caged off behind a set of rusty old bars (I guess this is what happens to "naughty" Belgian girls!). The Mannekin-Pis, meanwhile, is proudly doing his thing all decked out in
some kind of festive little suit! |
30NOV08 BRUSSELS: Wait, there's more... - Then on Sunday, cousin Brian brought 150 of his Canadian Armed Forces friends from Germany to see Quidam in Brussels. Ella performed, I drummed and there was a special Q&A session in the big top after the show. It was there that we met up with a former acquaintance from Forest Valley Day Care, Karen
Hunt. It brought back some fond memories of our time with that after-school care facility - Rob, Cynthia, Hermina, Joey... ah yes, those were fun times. Hey you, how are you all doing?!!! |
BRUSSELS 29NOV08: New friends are made! - Cousin Brian came to visit with a dozen of his friends from Germany; Bob & Gerry (Macumber), Bill & Terri with daughter Aysia, Petra (Cohnen), Marlene (Shillingford), Barry & Nathalie (Wright) with daughters Genevieve & Gabrielle, and Mike Constantineau & Sylvie Roy with kids Jessica & Dylan. All
fellow Canadians (more or less) associated in some capacity with the Canadian Forces in Germany, they came to us bearing many wonderful gifts, including flowers, Canadian maple syrup, Kraft peanut butter, Kraft (macaroni & cheese) Dinner, Oreo cookies, Lifesavers, Fruit Roll-ups, AFNorth Lions sweat pants for the girls (thanks Aysia!), Crown Royal Canadian Whisky... and
enough wine and beer to keep several kitchen parties raging until dawn! Brian brought a large case of fabulous Czech lager called Budweiser Budvar... it's now on the top ten favourite list! |
BRUSSELS 26NOV08: Bob and the girls running loose in Amsterdam! - Lauree was up and out by 5:something to catch her train. She arrived at the central train station, where it was announced that the 6:00 train to Brussels would be leaving from a different station... Lauree and a number of other passengers were at a loss as to what to do! They
were trying to figure out how to get to the other station when a man who had earlier overheard their plight came running up saying "The Brussels train is leaving this station in five minutes from Gate 13a!" Dashing through the train station, they made it to the gate, just in time... moments later the train had pulled out. Who knows what the previous message was all
"Okay, let's go girls!", and out we went, avoiding the annoyed doorman's glare as we hurried by him. Check out the eye-level photo in the photo gallery... I should also mention that another popular exhibit at the museum is a diamond encrusted platinum skull designed by Damien Hirst... |
BRUSSELS 25NOV08: Amsterdam in two days (more or less) - We had Monday and Tuesday off (or so we thought!), so we made plans to go to Amsterdam, two and a half hours away by train. |
BRUSSELS 23NOV08: A not-so-normal day in the life! - It was crazy today in Brussels... I should have read the signs when I got on the metro to go and pick up the kids from school! |
DID YOU KNOW?: Instead of using sugar cane, Europe refines its sugar from the sugar beet! We saw heaps of them piled high in farmers fields during our tour of Flanders. |
BRUSSELS 19NOV08: In Bruges - A film called "In Bruges" was released recently with Colin Farrell in the lead role; well, over the past couple of days, we too were "In Bruges. |
BRUSSELS 11NOV08: The Last Post - We joined up with the crowd at the Menin Gate Memorial, where people had already been assembling two hours before the Remembrance Day evening ceremonies were to begin. We had a pretty good spot, but there was an old European woman beside us who seemed to be continually trying to muscle her way into our
space... she reminded me of Estelle Getty (Sophia, from "The Golden Girls").
National anthems were sung, including "God Save The Queen" (never before had we heard it song by Brits... quite moving), and "Oh Canada" (we did our best!). Hymns & marches were played, wreaths were laid, and then there was silence, and an emotional rendering of "The Last Post" performed by a couple of buglers from the Ypres Fire Brigade. |
BRUSSELS 11NOV08: Lest we forget... - We headed out first thing this cold, dark and gray morning for the Flanders Field American Cemetery and Memorial just outside of the town of Waregem, in the Flanders region of Belgium. It is the only American World War 1 cemetery in Belgium, with around 400 graves.
Next, Brian brought us to the Ypres Reservoir Cemetery just outside of Ypres, where 2,700 First World War soldiers from all over the Commonwealth are buried - soldiers from Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Newfoundland, India... and many more countries. There are also the graves of three men who were "shot at dawn" for being cowards. It is now
widely believed that these men would most likely have been suffering from shell shock/battle fatigue, rather than cowardice.
We then went into Ypres (yet another beautiful Belgian city) to the Cloth Hall Museum, which was jam-packed with people (Remembrance Day!). We crossed it off the itinerary, and headed to our next stop: The Trench Of Death.
Night was falling, so we made our last stop at Tyne Cott Cemetery, the largest British military cemetery in the world... and the final resting place for nearly 12,000 soldiers of the commonwealth.
BRUSSELS 10NOV08: Known unto God - Today was the first of our two-day Great War tour... we were lucky to have as our guide, Lauree's cousin Brian (Burchart). Brian drove in from Germany to show us around the must-see Western Front sites of the First World War.
Commenting on their effort, Major-General Sir Beauvoir de Lisle, Commander of the British 29th Division stated:
Our last stop on our itinerary for this day was at Thiepval. Unfortunately, night was quickly closing in around us, so we were unable to pay our respects at the Ulster Tower, an Irish memorial where, at the end of the first day of the battle of the Somme, more than 5,000 men of the 36th Ulster division were either killed, wounded or missing. Some units were hit especially hard - the 13th Battalion Royal Irish rifles (County Down Volunteers) had lost 595 men, well over half the battalion. According to Philip Orr The Road to the Somme, Belfast, 1987, p.191, one officer described the postbattle roll call:
We did stop and walk about the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, which is the biggest British battle memorial in the world. The names of over 72,000 British and South African men who were killed in the battle of the Somme, but have no known grave, are carved into the stone of the massive memorial. |
BRUSSELS 07NOV08: About Brrr...ussels - It is chilly here this time of year! The girls are not complaining though... they each have a new fall coat, boots and mittens on account of it. |
BRUSSELS 04NOV08: Mussels in Brussels - Yesterday we went on a "grub crawl" of Brussels. |
BRUSSELS 03NOV08: Fabian O'Farrell's Jam - We (being Jim, Sebastien, Tessa, Ella & I) jammed last night after the show at Fabian O'Farrell's, a pub in Place Luxembourg, the square around the corner from our apartments. The owner, a Texan named Bo, kindly allowed us to jam there, and several artists, technicians, directors, admin & support
folk and cirquadors came out to join the fun! Thanks for that! |
BRUSSELS 31OCT08: Quidam Masquarade Party - There is not much to say about the premiere party, which had a masquerade theme (in keeping with Hallowe'en). We left at midnight, only an hour after it started... couldn't risk our coach turning into a pumpkin! |
PARIS 23OCT08: The City Of Light (Day Two) - After a light breakfast of croissants and expresso coffee, we took the metro to the Louvre... or tried to! We got as far as the station at Champ Elysee, where we had to catch a connecting train. On the platform, a wall of commuters seven rows deep lunged en mass toward every train that stopped. Every over-stuffed train had difficulty leaving the station because the over-flow of frustrated passengers prevented the doors from closing properly! We gave up... and set out on foot. Fortunately, it was a beautiful (but chilly) day, and we were not far from the Louvre (at the Place de la Concorde), so an easy fifteen minute walk soon got us to the front doors of the famous museum.
We left the Louvre, and went straight to the Cathedrale Notre Dame De Paris, where we had to stand in line for half-an-hour before getting to go up into the bell tower. It was well worth the wait. First of all, there are the gargoyles, and secondly, the view! It is amazing how white Paris is! And how large and congested! |
PARIS 22OCT08: The City Of Light (Day One) - We arrived at Gare Nord in Paris after a short one hour twenty minute ride on a fast non-stopping train. From there, we caught a metro to the neighbourhood of Montmartre, where we spent the better part of the morning.
We found the Eiffel Tower with little difficulty... what an imposing structure, visible from most parts of the city. It is hard to believe that there were plans to tear it down in the years immediately after the World's Fair of 1889, for which it was constructed! We went to the top, took a look around, then set out for more sights on our "must-see" list. |
BRUSSELS 21OCT08: Welcome to Brussels! - Arrived in Brussels this Wednesday evening and checked into our apartment, which is on the top floor of a tidy five story apartment hotel block. Hastily packed overnight bags, because first thing tomorrow morning we are heading off to Paris! |
BARCELONA 20OCT08: Our last days are spent... - Our last week in Barcelona flew by very quickly. I can hardly recall what we did! |
BARCELONA 14OCT08: Ant Wars! - We woke Monday morning to an ant invasion in our apartment. They had established some sort of trade route from our kitchen doorway to an unknown destination - unknown because as soon as Lauree discovered their enterprise, she began a mass antocide, squishing them indiscriminately and shuffling everthing around
(shoes, backpacks, recycle), so by the time I arrived at the scene, the ants were in a state of complete disarray, scrambling around in every direction. |
BARCELONA 11OCT08: It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings! - On Derek's last evening in town, I took Derek to see a show called Opera y Flamenco at the Palau de la Musica. |
BARCELONA 10OCT08: Derek Jeffrey Barcelona - Sunday afternoon Derek arrived, experienced Quidam from backstage, then came with us to a after-hours "Russian Party" to celebrate Natalia & Sasha's birthday. Derek refused to drink any vodka, despite being taunted and teased by Lauree's Russian friend and co-worker Irina... "You are not beink a
man!" |
BARCELONA 30SEP08: Gaudi's Park Guell - We had a late start on our second day off, but we eventually made our way to Gaudi's magical Park Guell for a walk-about. |
BIG CHUNK OF BLOG MISSING HERE! - Monterrey, Vera Cruz, Italy, Lisbon, Malaga, Sevilla, Morroco, Gibraltar, Alicante... hope I have it all backed up somewhere! |
MONTERREY 23JAN08: Dress Rehearsal - For every city, there is a dress rehearsal performed the night before the premiere. This dress rehearsal is the real thing, though, with a real audience... family and friends of the locals hired to work on site, local sponsor VIP's and local media, newspaper and television. |
MEXICO CITY 19JAN08: Our Last Days are spent - Tomorrow we leave Mexico City and fly to Monterrey, where Lauree has already been for the past four days helping with site set-up. Here is how Tessa, Ella and I have spent our final two days here.Friday we went to the Museo Nacional de Antropologia at Chapultepec Park. This museum, one of several
in the park, is a must-see for anyone visiting Mexico City, and for good reason. It is absolutely first-class. A walk through its series of salons is a walk thorugh time, starting with one of mankind's earliest origins, i.e., home erectus. The many miniature models depicting the evolution of mankind, and the evolution of the society of mankind my not impress the
creationists, but are meticulous in their marvellous detail. Once the milestone of mankind crossing the Bering Strait is acknowledged, the focus of the displays shift rightly to the ancient civilizations of the Mexican people. There is no shortage of pottery, sculpture, tools, artifacts & objets d'artes for each of the successive cultures that flourished here over the
past many thousand years or so. It clearly demonstrates what a people can accomplish in year-round warm weather conditions. |
MEXICO CITY 13JAN08: Ole! - Today, while Lauree was busy tearing down at work, Tessa, Ella and I went to experience the corrida de toros - the bull fights, They are held every Sunday (I suppose during bull-fighting season) at the Plaza (de Toros) Mexico, which happens to be the largest bull ring in the world, with a seating capacity of
42,000. On this occasion, however, the plaza was not even a quarter full, so needless to say, we had excellent seats, front row, second tier - excellent until the non-stop stream of vendors began walking back and forth and back and forth in front of us. Chips, nuts & popcorn, donuts & pastries, candy-floss, sombreros, plush-toy cows, plastic bulls, toy banderillas,
matador caps, Senor Noodles, lots of unrecognizable mexican food... back and forth and back and forth. But only until the show began, thankfully! |
MEXICO CITY 12JAN08: Finito! - Tonight, Ella completed her final show for Mexico City. We marked the occasion with a midnight bottle of La Gioiosa Fragolino and microwave popcorn. |
DID YOU KNOW: - Mexico City is the highest and oldest city in North America, and is home to over 24 million inhabitants, making it the most populous city in the world. |
MEXICO CITY 10JAN08: Chili today, hot tamales - Another beautiful sunny day here in Mexico City, with a predicted high temperature of 73 F. Don't think, however, that we haven't had our share of winter weather; on January 1st and 2nd, it was so cool during the day that we had to wear a sweater. |
MEXICO CITY 02JAN08: Hen skin - Last week, we received an email from Cirque fan Ricardo rodrigues Aranda, who praised Ella's performance, writing: "Your voice is charming, i love it... my nephew cry when you song Atmadja at the beginning of the show, and when i heard you my skin looks like hen skin". |
MEXICO CITY 01JAN08: Prospero Ano Nuevo - Last night, Cirque organized a New Years Eve party on the rooftop terrace of a fancy hotel in Polanco, an upscale neighbourhood in Mexico City. It was fun, but after our long and exhausting day, we cold hardly keep our eyes open. We welcomed in the new year, then took the Kostya Express back to our apartment and called it a day... but what a day it was! |
MEXICO CITY 31DEC07: Under the Volcano - Today we went with a group from Cirque to climb the extinct volcano Iztaccihuati, often referred to as the sleeping woman, because of its profile. It is situated immediately beside the active volcano Popocatepetl, the smoking mountain. This is the volcano referenced in Under the Volcano by
Malcolm Lowry. After our afternoon of climbing, the plan was to go into the nearby city of Pueblo to do some shopping and have a bite to eat. |
MEXICO CITY 03DEC07: Chinampas of Xochimilco - A change in plans on our day off saw us spending the afternoon with a group of Cirque artists and techie's at the floating gardens in Xochimilco, just south of Mexico City. |
MEXICO CITY 29NOV07: "Soon you'll need pants" - Last night I completed my 10th show for Quidam, and things are looking up! I am back on speaking terms with Toto the clown, and with every couple of shows, I add a song to my play list that was previously done by computer. |
MEXICO CITY 28NOV07: "Whole México love ur voice"
MEXICO CITY 26NOV07: The Police and more... - We have been busy!
On bass guitar and vocals: Tour Manager Robert MacKenzie. We recently found out that this quiet brit used to play and sing in rock bands back in the UK, and even worked with the Police on tour in the the early '80's! The audience seemed to really enjoy the songs we cranked out for them last night, everything from Brown-eyed Girl to Zeppelin's Rock and Roll. And if they didn't, well, the band sure had a lot of fun. |
MEXICO CITY 23NOV07: Medic Alert! - Lauree was involved in a life or death situation yesterday. A locally-hired kitchen worker named Elizabeth has a severe pineapple allergy and ate some pasta which unknowingly contained pineapple as a minor ingredient. She began to show a reaction, but insisted she would be okay... until minutes later when she
started gasping for breath. |
MEXICO CITY 21NOV07: Drum roll, please... - GUESS WHAT?!!!! |
MEXICO CITY 19NOV07: Dia de la Revolución - Today was a civic holiday in Mexico, the day Mexicans commemorate the Mexican Revolution of 1910 to 1917 (actually la Día de la Revolución is on November 20th). We went downtown to catch some of the festivities, but things were pretty much the same as last time we were there, with most of the shops open,
although there were colourful banners decorating some of the streets, and perhaps more people roaming around than usual. |
MEXICO CITY 18NOV07: Pyramids of the Sun and Moon - Today we went to see the ruins of the ancient city the Aztecs called Teotihuacán, which roughly translates to be "the place where men become gods". We hired a private tour guide named Hector to bring us there and tell us all about the place, its people and its history. |
MEXICO CITY 16NOV07: Ella's Mexico City Premiere - Everyone was even more intent than usual to put on a great show last evening, because Cirque founder and Chief Executive Officer Guy Laliberté had flown down from Montreal in his private jet to attend the premiere. Although there were some artists who had hoped to have performed better than they
did, Guy called a "tapis rouge" immediately following the final curtain to express his thanks to everyone for a job well done. |
DID YOU KNOW? - Ostrich tastes just like top quality beef; so much so, that Tessa joined me in having an ostrich "steak" last evening at the premiere dinner that the Cirque chefs went all out for. Even Lauree had a bite and deemed it not only "non-life threatening", but also pretty darn good! Other meat offerings to choose from were veal, rack of lamb, beef tornadoes, chicken, prawns and oysters. |
MEXICO CITY 13NOV07: But for the grace of God! - Much of the site here in Mexico City is unpaved with only a thin layer of gravel futilely intended to keep the dust down. Today, as I was climbing the couple of stairs up to the kitchen tent doorway, I felt a small pebble lodged in the heel of my shoe. Before entering the tent, I instinctively
scuffed my foot backward to dislodge the pebble, and, much to my surprise and embarrassment, kicked someone on the stairs behind me. I turned in full apology (which quickly became a sudden apprehension) to face a large, muscular and seriously intimidating-looking "fly-in"* holding a case of bottled water. |
MEXICO CITY 11NOV07: Remembrance Day - Something I have noticed about being on tour with an international community in foreign countries is the passing-without-notice of traditionally all-important dates and holidays. |
MEXICO CITY 09NOV07: Top three gross sightings of the day - While Lauree was busy at work helping to raise the Grand Chapiteau, Tessa, Ella & I took a 25 minute cab ride to downtown Mexico City to check out the area known as Centro Historico. The focal point of this area is a large open square surrounded by many historic buildings, including la
Catedral and El Palacio Nacional, which I believe serves the same purpose as our House of Commons on Parliament Hill. We toured around, took some photos and then returned to the hotel in Santa Fe. During our excursion, however, we encountered three things that completely grossed out Tessa and Ella: |
MEXICO CITY 08NOV07: Cabbing it in Santa Fe - Ella, Tessa and I arrived in Mexico City (Santa Fe actually, an upscale suburb of Mexico City) on Monday evening... Lauree had remained behind in Guadalajara to help finish packing up the site, and would arrive only the next evening. We immediately set out to pick up a few grocery items at the local
grocery store (Superama), which is within a perilous ten minute walk from the Stadia Suites Hotel where we are staying. I say perilous only because of a busy traffic circle we have to traverse that is part of an on and off ramp system for the Prolongación Reforma freeway. |
GUADALAJARA 02NOV07: El dia de los muertos - Today was the Day of the Dead! Tessa, Ella, Vova and I headed to the Panteón de Mezquitan to see how the day of the dead is celebrated in Guadalajara. I had hoped to bring them to the Panteón de Belen, an older and more famous cemetery, but it was closed for restorations. |
GUADALAJARA 02NOV07: Celebrityism - This is something we didn't have to deal with on the fiddle contest circuit! Ella's Zoé appears to be making an impression on certain members of the Guadalajara audience... she has begun to receive cards, gifts and letters of adoration from young (in their twenties!) caballeros. This unexpected attention is pretty
overwhelming for A TEN YEAR OLD, not to mention the parents of A TEN YEAR OLD! |
GUADALAJARA 31OCT07: Drummer Wanted - This may be of interest to my music buddies. Jim Bevan, the band leader for Quidam held an audition today to find a back-up drummer to perform a couple of strategic, non-programmable numbers in the show, in the event the house drummer is unable to perform. |
GUADALAJARA 31OCT07: Manzanilla or Bust! - We had both Monday and Tuesday off this week (what Cirque calls a "double dark"), so Lauree arranged a 2 days-one night stay at the Barcelo Karina Palace in Manzanilla, a beach resort town 4 plus hours from Guadalajara. The resort happened to be very nice and we had a great time there, but it was a resort
just like countless others here, there and everywhere, so there is not much to tell. |
DID YOU KNOW?: - The slice of lime accompanying your cerveza is provided simply to disinfect the mouth of the bottle. Only "turistas" shove the lime down into the bottle to flavour the beer. |
GUADALAJARA 28OCT07: Celebrity Sightings - The Presidente Intercontinentale where we are staying is apparently the best hotel in town... as such, any celebrities visisting Guadalajara are likely to check in there. |
GUADALAJARA 27OCT07: Pretzel Logic? - Although we have had some fiddle time, Tessa & Ella are, for the moment, more interested in pursuing "Circus Arts". Natalia, who is a Russian artist with the troupe, has taken the girls under her wing and is giving them up to 45 minutes of intensive training every show night. She bends and stretches them almost
to tears, much to Tessa and Ella's delight! |
GUADALAJARA 25OCT07: Tour Services Co-ordinator for Quidam - Some people may not be aware that when we were in Shanghai, a job opening came up for the position of Tour Services Co-ordinator for Quidam. Lauree applied for it, and got the job! (Way to go Lauree - woo-hoo!) |
GUADALAJARA 21OCT07: An Evening With The Killers - As it happens, we missed our chance to see the charreadas (Mexican rodeo) - the season ended the first Saturday in October. Tessa, Ella and I did, however, get to share an incredible Saturday night with over 10,000 chicas and muchachos at the sweet mercy of The Killers. |
GUADALAJARA 19OCT07: Wolf Whistles - The other morning, the kids and I were walking down the boulevard between the site and the hotel. Walking ahead of us (at a respectable distance) were two sweet young things from the troupe (Ronnie and Julie, the Albinos from Banquine) in short shorts and heels. During the 10 minute walk from the site to the
hotel, these girls must have received at least half-a-dozen wolf whistles from men in passing cars. |
GUADALAJARA 16OCT07: Visitors From Home! - Some of the Jeffrey clan, Sharon, Lorna and husband John, Kevin and Derek (Lauree's cousins) arranged a holiday in Puerto Vallarta to coincide with the Quidam tour being in Guadalajara. Although there were some difficulties coordinating communication once they arrived at the resort in Mexico, it was
eventually determined that Tuesday worked out best for their excursion to see Ella in Quidam. |
GUADALAJARA 15OCT07: Presidente Intercontinentale Fiddle Jam - We arranged to get together and trade licks with Sébastien Savard (violinist for Quidam) on Monday night at the Cirque Lounge. |
GUADALAJARA 15OCT07: Tessa's Mariachi Lesson - We arrived at the Plazuela de los Mariachis, where we had arranged for Tessa's lesson to take place, around noon. Los Mensajeros de Jalisco were already there, lounging about at several patio tables set up in the plaza. Wanting to be discrete, we settled ourselves at a patio table of our own to wait for
the violin instructor, Señor Juan Flores, to approach us a his convenience. I left Tessa to set up her violin and set out to fetch an orange juice for Tessa and a coffee for myself. By the time I returned, the mariachi lesson was in full swing. |
GUADALAJARA 12OCT07: Ella's Guadalajara Debut - Ella made her Guadalajara debut on Friday night. She was feeling a little nervous about her state of readiness. Although she had been in Guadalajara for a full week, she did not have the opportunity to sing or even set foot on stage. Ella had to go on cold... well, except for a vocal warm-up and brief
sound check Friday afternoon. Nobody's fault, it just happened that way... but it wreaked havoc on her confidence level! |
GUADALAJARA 12OCT07: The Road To Zapopan - There is a statue of the Virgin Mary known as the Nuestra Señora de Zapopan that has great historical significance for people in these parts... in fact, she is the Patron Saint of Guadalajara. She spends much of the year visiting the various parishes in the Mexican state of Jalisco, but every year on
October 12th, she returns home to the Basilica de Zapopan. |
SHANGHAI 26AUG07: Alteration Altercation - I had coerced Lauree into getting a dress made at the fabric market, which is a large warehouse-type of building containing 4 floors of fabric vendors in individual stalls. We went to pick pick up the finished product, but when Lauree tried on the dress, it was much too tight fitting around the waist.. the
material was all bunched up and did not fall properly. "TOO TIGHT!" Lauree pleaded to the shopkeeper. After some convincing, the shopkeeper finally called in the tailor, who was reluctant to do anything about it. Finally, he agreed to make an alteration to the dress, and promised to return with it within the hour. |
SHANGHAI 23AUG07: Crosstown Traffic - Shanghai-style! |
SHANGHAI 13AUG07: A Stroll Through Walmart - Being strangers in a strange land, it seemed to us that a visit to the Walmart, only a couple of blocks from our hotel, would help us to get our bearings. This Walmart, however, was unlike any we had been to before. The main floor was all grocery items, including a large bulk food, produce and meat
section... and the smell of the place was overwhelming. |